
My Name is




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Web Design

web design is an ever-evolving discipline that blends creativity, technology, and user-centric thinking to create visually appealing, user-friendly, and responsive websites that serve both the aesthetic and functional needs of businesses and individuals in the digital age.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence that focuses on developing algorithms and models that can learn and make predictions or decisions based on data.Machine learning requires large datasets for training and often involves complex mathematics, statistics, and programming.

Ethical Hacking

Ethical hacking, also known as penetration testing or white-hat hacking, involves authorized individuals or professionals, known as ethical hackers, attempting to identify vulnerabilities in computer systems.Ethical hackers follow strict ethical guidelines,reporting findings responsibly to the organization.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is a transformative and dynamic field that holds promise for solving complex problems, but it also comes with important ethical and societal considerations that require careful attention and responsible development.Responsible AI and governance are essential to address these challenges.

Recent Projects

Project 1

Coding is Love

For those who are passionate about coding, it often represents more than just a job or a skill; it's a creative outlet, a means of solving problems, and a way to bring innovative ideas to life. Coding allows individuals to express themselves through lines of code and to build digital solutions that can have a real impact on the world.


Project 2

Coding is Love

For those who are passionate about coding, it often represents more than just a job or a skill; it's a creative outlet, a means of solving problems, and a way to bring innovative ideas to life. Coding allows individuals to express themselves through lines of code and to build digital solutions that can have a real impact on the world.


Project 3

Coding is Love

For those who are passionate about coding, it often represents more than just a job or a skill; it's a creative outlet, a means of solving problems, and a way to bring innovative ideas to life. Coding allows individuals to express themselves through lines of code and to build digital solutions that can have a real impact on the world.


Project 4

Coding is Love

For those who are passionate about coding, it often represents more than just a job or a skill; it's a creative outlet, a means of solving problems, and a way to bring innovative ideas to life. Coding allows individuals to express themselves through lines of code and to build digital solutions that can have a real impact on the world.


Project 5

Coding is Love

For those who are passionate about coding, it often represents more than just a job or a skill; it's a creative outlet, a means of solving problems, and a way to bring innovative ideas to life. Coding allows individuals to express themselves through lines of code and to build digital solutions that can have a real impact on the world.


About me

Front End Developer

Front-End Developers are essential for creating visually appealing, user-friendly, and responsive websites and web applications. They bridge the gap between design and functionality, ensuring that users have a positive experience when interacting with web interfaces.

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Contact info



+1 234 123 1234





Scientific nagar, Berhampur, Odisha , PIN- 760001, India